When Quitting is a Good Idea


OMTimes Magazine November 2015 B Edition

OMTimes Magazine November 2015 B Edition Personal Growth page 112

When Quitting is a Good Idea

“Are you unhappy? Is your life actually making you sick? Do you have a desire to resign, freeing yourself from the constant tension? Are you ready to throw in the towel and start fresh? Then, this article is for you!

You stand up, gather your belongings, and hit the door running. Making a bee line to the car, you open the door, get in, turn the ignition, and suddenly reality sets in. How will you pay your rent? Can you survive without health benefits? What will your parents say? What in the world are you thinking! Shamefully, you walk back to your office.”

OMTimes Magazine November 2015 B Edition

OMTimes Magazine November 2015 B Edition

What If You Could See Behind the Veil?

October 2015 D Edition

OMTimes Magazine October 2015 D Edition Metaphysics page 122

What If You Could See Behind the Veil?

by Gia Dalton

“What if you could lift the veil and had the ability to see a soul? Would you accept that you are part of a limitless and infinite collective consciousness? What would it be like to overcome fear by rejecting superficial ideologies and dogmas? Could you connect to a higher frequency of love, identifying with others, not only as individuals, but as souls integrally connected?”

What if you could see behind the veil?

What if you could see behind the veil?



Dating in a Texting World

OMTimes Magazine  August 2015 E Edition  Relationships page 66

OMTimes Magazine
August 2015 E Edition
Relationships page 66

Dating in a Texting World by Gia Dalton 

“Society has increasingly become more connected to technology than to people. A new generation has emerged where a text message is often the way people get to know each other. Communicating face-to-face is being replaced with texting. It is rapidly redefining relationships, and the way people have them.

While texting is a quick and easy form of communicating, it isn’t very personal. You can’t feel, hear or touch a text. No one knows if you are nervous when texting. You can’t read body language or facial expression. In addition, people aren’t sure what to call what they are doing. Dating has been replaced with “We have been texting.” Shouldn’t dating and texting be two separate entities? ”

Dating in a Texting World

OMTimes Magazine



Don’t Play the Comparison Game

Don’t Play the Comparison Game by Gia Dalton 

OMTimes August 16th 2015

OMTimes Magazine August 2015 C Edition Relationships page 70

“The ego craves attention and loves to compare. The more attention it gets, the bigger it becomes. Comparing yourself to others, positively or negatively is all about ego. Comparing creates separation. It is based on assumptions, and perceptions. Your perceptions, may not be accurate or true. They may be totally ridiculous. The “Comparison Game” is played out in your mind.”

OMTimes Magazine Are You Playing the Comparison Game ?

Who Are Today’s New Age Cheerleaders?

OMTimes Magazine July 2015 D Edition OM Living page 56

OMTimes Magazine
July 2015 D Edition
OM Living page 56

Who Are Today’s New Age Cheerleaders? by Gia Dalton

“Today’s New Age Cheerleaders are bold, embodiments of energy, love and light. They are mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, fathers, sons, brothers, uncles, cousins, coworkers, friends, lovers, roommate’s, and strangers. They are eclectic and holistic, interested in the wellbeing of the collective consciousness.”

OMTimes Magazine


Quit Adding and Start Subtracting- Take it All Off !

Quit Adding and Start Subtracting- Take it All Off! by Gia Dalton 

“We spend most of our lives adding. But is everything we add beneficial, aligned and authentic to who we really are? Can we find ourselves in the present moment and no where near our truth?

We add education and degree’s. We add friends, lovers, and experiences, both good and bad. We go on adventures, travel, and become weekend warriors. We also add fears, insecurities, shame and guilt. We cover our real thoughts and feelings, and develop coping skills to handle hurt and pain. Many times the coping skills we’ve adopted came from problem’s other than our own, which turn into a form of enabling…”

Is Illness a Spiritual Assignment

OMTimes Magazine  June 2015 D Edition  Health & Healing page 44

OMTimes Magazine
June 2015 D Edition
Health & Healing page 44

Is Illness a Spiritual Assignment? by Gia Dalton 

“If you are struggling with an illness, changing your perception can empower and inspire you in many ways. It can lead to greater love and understanding, perhaps even a life purpose. Although this may be your greatest challenge, can an illness be nothing more than a spiritual assignment? Has everything been divinely designed to bring you closer to God, resulting in a happier, more joyful, purpose driven life?”

OMTimes Magazine  Is Illness a Spiritual Assignment?

OMTimes Magazine
Is Illness a Spiritual Assignment?

Unveiling Your Hidden Truths

OMTimes Magazine   June 2015  A Edition

OMTimes Magazine June 2015 A Edition with Hugh Jackman

Unveiling Your Hidden Truths by Gia Dalton

“You have an untold story. With it, come truths you can’t tell. You know they exist, yet choose to keep them hidden, pretending they aren’t there. You hope they will suddenly go away, but they won’t. Not unless you realize everyone has them too.

But can you disclose those hidden truths? Can you put them out there once and for all? Will this empower you? Free you? A strange and wonderful thing happens when you tell your truth. You realize that you are indeed, part of a collective consciousness. As that consciousness, you are embraced – flaws and all, including your imperfections, vulnerabilities, self-loathing, and selfishness, basically all the characteristics that make you human… ”


OMTimes Magazine Unveiling Your Hidden Truths